Sounds like a very interesting talk. How readable is "Cancell Wars"?

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TBH, it was a slog for me. Each chapter starts with a short, interesting case study apparently based on the author's work as a consultant for campuses dealing with cancel culture controversies. But the main text is so abstract (and repetitive) that it was hard for me to understand the implications of her argument. I still don't know exactly what she means by "shared epistemology" or why she thinks that it is essential for democracy (although she repeats the assertion about 100 times). She's obviously read a lot and cites extensively, but often does so w/o explaining what she cites. I felt like I would need to read about 20 cited articles before I could understand and evaluate the argument in each chapter.

But I'll admit that I probably read the book with an overly critical eye because I could tell that she is more receptive to speech restrictions (and less skeptical about efforts to use "misinformation" and "harm" as justifications for restricting speech) than I am.

Sarah's discussion questions look good, but I might have recommended focusing on one chapter (maybe chapter 2) rather trying to do the whole book.

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Thanks for your question, Jeff and for your reflections, John! (I agree with your criticisms of some of Ben-Porath's assertions and I ultimately think she is too dismissive of cancel culture, but I find her proposal of "inclusive freedom" compelling.)

Jeff, you can check out a brief excerpt from Cancel Wars at the University of Chicago Press site: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/C/bo185875213.html#anchor-excerpt and preview Cancel Wars at Google Books: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Cancel_Wars/m-yaEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=cancel%20wars&pg=PP1&printsec=frontcover You might also be interested in checking out some of the book reviews https://hxlibraries.substack.com/i/142832465/reviews or videos https://hxlibraries.substack.com/i/142832465/interviews-and-lectures posted on the reading guide. (...I aim to review more of these in-depth myself!) I hope that is helpful and invite others to weigh in with their thoughts -- and please consider joining us for the symposium! https://hxlibraries.substack.com/p/symposium

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