
Defending Neutrality and Pluralism in Libraries: Heterodoxy in the Stacks, 2022-2025

Video presentation on the history, highlights, and themes of the first three years of Heterodoxy in the Stacks.

In this presentation to the February 12th, 2025 meeting of the Montana State Library Commission, Heterodoxy in the Stacks contributor Michael Dudley provides an overview of the history of this Substack, highlighting some of our most-viewed essays.

Essays discussed:

Against ‘Radical Empathy’ as a Core Professional Principle: An Open Letter to the ALA Working Group on Intellectual Freedom and Social Justice.” May 3rd, 2022.

Library Neutrality and Pluralism: A Manifesto” by Michael Dudley. August 8th, 2023.

Have Efforts to Suppress Gender-Critical Books and Speakers Done ‘Irreversible Damage’ to Librarianship?” by Michael Dudley. October 31st, 2024.

Timeline: The Board Firing of Niagara-on-the-Lake Public Library CEO Cathy Simpson.” March 25th, 2024.

How Big is Libraries' Insider Threat Problem?” by Sarah Hartman-Caverly. July 11th, 2024.

Wicked Problems and Comprehensive Doctrines: Interventionism and Social License in Librarianship,” by Michael Dudley. August 15th 2024.

New ‘Librarian Story Hour’ Stirs Controversy,” by Heather O. Docks. August 27th, 2023.

The Neutrality Conspiracy,” by Michael Dudley. January 10th, 2025.

Green Shoots and Civic Dialogue: In Search of a New Library Telos,” by Craig Gibson. July 19th, 2023.