Thank you, Jonathan, for this compelling description of another professional association's veering off into ideological extremism and demands for conformity that fly directly in the face of intellectual pluralism and the core values of the archival profession.

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I would also add that too many activists all the way around, in political and cultural debates, are intent on "burning down the system". You've given a cogent description of one side here, within one practice area within librarianship. I totally agree that the forms of activism you've described here are completely at odds with professionalism because of their moral valence and anti-empiricism. They also are at odds with civil peace and diversity of thought more generally. Again, thanks for republishing this article with Heterodoxy in the Stacks.

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Excellent. Nice to see Ludwig von Mises brought in, correcting the leftist trend.

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Excellent article. Totally agree. I waited a day or so to say so because it seems lame to say only that. This morning there was an articale in Quillette by Greg Lukianoff entitled, "Answers to 12 Bad Free Speech Arguments," which is quite good also - and not entirely unrelated. I think you'd like it.

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