Thanks, Michael. A much-needed call for accountability for activist scholarship (in the articles underpinning the ALA Resolution. The lack of citations for claims is striking, and the general moralized tribalism obvious in the claims is also obvious. The derivatives of Critical (Race) Theory, and the bromides and cliches on offer, mean that people don't have to think very much because these are ready-made claims have their own "language game" at work.

Re: conspiracy theories. Yes, the Heath paper is very helpful in describing some versions of Critical Theory (only some of them) as conspiracist in nature as well. I recommend the Heath paper in general for a good perspective on how Critical Theories can serve as a kind of bonding agent for those with particular worldviews that aren't empirical at all.

As for conspiracy theories in general, I'm finding the use of the term "conspiracy theory" used in a political way almost all the time, to support people's "priors", what they already believe, just as "misinformation" is used in a politicized way. Almost certainly a result of the affectively polarized state of politics and culture we're experiencing.

I've also found that Michael Huemer's explanation of conspiracy theories versus actual conspiracies, the bright line between them, very helpful.


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Thank you for the article. I appreciate your investigation of the sources. Coincidentally, your piece showed up in my inbox right after this CHE opinion piece: "Institutional Neutrality Is a Copout" (paywalled unfortunately: https://www.chronicle.com/article/institutional-neutrality-is-a-copout)

I agree with library neutrality myself, but the CHE op-ed offers a better critique of neutrality than the articles cited by that ALA committee (and I bet that it better aligns with what most anti-neutrality librarians actually believe). Essentially, the argument is that educational institutions (librarians might say that it applies to libraries as well as universities) can't be neutral about certain moral commitments such as "empathy toward those who are different, compassion for those who suffer, a thirst for justice, and the virtues needed to live a good life" ...

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Thank you ! And thanks for the link, I'll have a look!

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I am worrying about the future of ALA. While issues discussed here are important, the Association has lost entire states (like Florida) whose state libraries simply said "no more."

While it was a bit opaque, the latest (Jan 2025) ALA Treasurer message is troubling: "I am not, however, greatly encouraged by the current financial health of the Association."


I have not seen membership statistics for 2024 although I have made public request. The loss of institutional members is a concern. To regain the robust engagement, we once had (over 60,000 members) requires that the issues discussed in this post be addressed.

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Great news--"is now required reading in a course on academic freedom in a Canadian library science graduate school." I don't know to what degree this stance against neutrality was driven by individual "true believers" vs.administrative funding considerations.

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It would indeed be appalling to abandon neutrality. This is maoist.

Good work, Michael!

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