Another one --

Newsguard-- look a advisory board.


And FTX was a major contributor to Semafor.

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Yes I have read things about Newsguard as well, such as: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/big-pharma-newsguard-fact-checking-schools/

Pre-pandemic I installed Newsguard on some staff and public computers where I worked. I try to look at all these sites as pieces of "additional information" as opposed to the "final word." Unfortunately one has to do a lot of work these days to try to suss out the truth!

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I don't have any opinion on the practical question of whether Newsguard should be installed on staff or public computers in libraries. But as to whether it's a reliable tool, I think the key question to ask yourselves is why you should trust your own mistrust of it in the face of all the researchers who use it: https://www.newsguardtech.com/industries/researchers/

Which goes to the topic of this blog post. From a cursory glance at some of the research on the accuracy of mainstream media fact-checker sites, it seems they are by and large reliable (which, admittedly, doesn't address a separate concern about the selectivity of what gets 'checked'). If that's the case, it seems epistemically prudent to suppress the urge to 'think for oneself' and simply defer to whatever convergence one finds among multiple mainstream media fact-checker sites.

UPDATE: I just glancingly visited the "Children's Health Defense" website linked above, and the first thing I see is a photo of notorious anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which to my mind (1) severely undermines the credibility of this blog post and (2) increases my confidence in Newsguard as a reliable tool.

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I know a lot of people immediately write off RFK, Jr. but I find it is usually a knee-jerk reaction and they haven't actually read any of his work. The MSM has done a good job of tainting him so that people will not actually consider any of his points.

What do you think about the funding of these fact-checking sites and the potential conflicts of interest?

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